Svi smo čuli, odnosno barem većina nas je čula na web stranici možemo pronaći stare verzije određene web stranice i to do nekoliko godina unazad. Mišljenja sam da nikoga ne bi trebalo zanimati što je bilo prije osim samog vlasnika weba. Nikoga, odnosno najmanje bi te arhive trebale biti javno dostupne. Pogađate, nitko vas nije niti pitao želite li da tamo nekakav web prikuplja, skladišti, čuva i javno prikazuje stare verzije sadržaja vaše web stranice.
Kako blokirati Wayback Machine?
– otvorite notepad
– napišite:
User-agent: ia_archiver
Disallow: /
– spremite datoteku pod nazivom robots.txt
– uploadad u root vaše stranice.
Update 2020. – ova fora sa robots.txt ne radi…
Jednostavno pošaljete email na
Evo kako sam ja to odradio:
Takedown request
Please remove, delete all info for domain from your servers and do not store infos in future.
Onda njihov odgovor:
The Internet Archive can exclude websites from the Wayback Machine (, but we first respectfully request that you help us verify that you are the site owner or content author of by doing any one of the following:
(Note: Some of these options can be in reference to the content located in prior Wayback Machine captures, and/or documentation you may have related to the specified time period.)
* post your request on the current version of the site (and send us a link).
* send your request from the main email contact listed on the site and show us where it can be located (if one is present).
* send a request from the registrant’s email (if publicly viewable on a WHOIS lookup you can link us to) or webmaster’s email listed on the site.
* point us to where your personal information (name, point of contact, image of self) appears on the site in a way that identifies you as owner of the site or author of the content you wish to have excluded – in this instance, we ask to verify your identity via a scan of a valid photo ID (sensitive information such as birth date, address, or phone number can be redacted).
* forward to us communication from a hosting company or registrar addressed to you as owner of the domain.
(Note: The simple mention of someone’s name/username, and/or a hyperlink/redirect between sites/pages/accounts in itself is typically not sufficient to have archives excluded.)
If none of these options are available to you, please let us know in a reply to this email.
We would be grateful if you would help us preserve as much of the archive as possible. Therefore, please let us know if there are only specific URLs or directories about which you are concerned so that we may leave the rest of the archives available.
As you may know, Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library, seeking to maintain via the Wayback Machine a freely accessible historical record of the Internet. The material in the archives are not exploited by Internet Archive for commercial profit.
The Internet Archive Team
Pa onda slijedi završni email:
The following has been submitted for exclusion from the Wayback Machine at
Please allow up to a day for the automated portions of the process to run their course and for the changes to take effect.